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    Meet my protagonist, JASON. An ordinary 21st century guy. He’s been banished back in time to 1930s London, along with his companion, GRACE, who is recently returned from the dead. This is just one hiccup, among many, in Jason’s reluctant quest to find the Rim of Time and set the universe right.

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    Meet GRACE, a woman from the spirit realm who died in 1936. She's temporarily been returned to her body to help guide JASON on his quest to 'leave' time. Though technically deceased and older than him, Jason has quite the crush on her. Together, they navigate their way through a series of uncanny mishaps.

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    The Pharaoh

    Meet AKHNATON. He's an ascended being whose last lifetime was as a pharaoh of ancient times. Nowadays, he presents in holographic form, sporting a white suit and impractical sandals. To Jason's alarm, he tells him that he is the cause of time-fractures appearing throughout the universe.

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    The Count

    Meet the COUNT; a flamboyant time-traveller who enjoys time-jumping across the centuries for a decent coffee and expensive champagne. He's tasked with guiding Jason from an earthly 'portal' to the edge of the universe to seek the 'Rim of Time'. But somehow, he's diverted to the 22nd century where the coffee is awful.

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    and others . . .

    There are other semi-main characters specific to each century visited in my novel. Plus a number of minor characters. Perhaps too many, if I'm honest : )